Sunday, January 29, 2006

I am a butterfly

I am a butterfly

I am a monkey and someone just asked me to get the banana from the tree, but nah.

I am an elephant, and when the guy asked me to get the banana from the tree, I immediately went to the monkey since he can climb trees.

I am a monkey and the elephant just walked over here and asked me to get the banana from the tree. What is it with these people? They think since I’m a monkey I actually like to climb trees and get bananas? As if it was effortless! The elephant could probably just reach up there with that trunk and grab it. I bet he could just shake the thing until one came down!

I am an elephant and I keep trying to explain to the monkey that I need him to get me a banana from the tree for the man. He must not be understanding. All he’s doing is jumping up and down and making screeching noises. Maybe if I draw in the dirt with my trunk…

I am a monkey and this stupid elephant is really starting to get on my nerves. Hey elephant?! You think I’m stupid? I get it! You want me to climb the tree and get you a banana! Do you understand that it would be much easier for you? Is that supposed to be me? It looks like a bug attacking the moon! Ha! Hello?!!!

I don’t know about this monkey. He’s still not understanding and now he looks angry. I better watch it, I’ve seen him climb trees. I bet he could run right up my trunk and claw my eye!

WOOOugh…Settle down elephant. It’s fine. You can just put that big ominous trunk back hanging down where it belongs. I’ll just go over this way slowly. Hey! There’s a butterfly up there on that banana. I love butterflies! If this crazy elephant wasn’t trying to kill me I’d climb up there and have a look.


I am a butterfly. The monkey and the elephant have been going at it for a while. Wonder what the problem is? It’s just a shame the master hasn’t got his banana yet. Don’t know what I can do. Maybe if I fly down there I can talk some sense into them. But how will they hear me over their screeching and stomping?

Guess I’ll try.


I’m an elephant and I don’t think life could get any worse. First the monkey’s raging around, could jump on me at any time, and now there’s a butterfly headed straight at me. I can’t handle butterflies. Yes I can. Just relax elephant, they said it can’t hurt you.

Yaaaay elephant! You’re finally listening to me! I like that trunk much better down here. Oh hey! The butterfly’s coming down as well! Finally some luck. Maybe I’ll get to see it after all. Right Mr. Butterfly, just land someplace and spread out those pretty wings. Oh….wait…looks like he’s landing…. I’m coming Mr. Butterfly!


I am a butterfly and I thought that maybe if I landed close enough to the elephant’s big ears he would probably hear me. So I did. I’m not sure exactly what happened after that. I guess I just didn’t get there soon enough. I guess the monkey had had enough talking and went at the elephant or something. All I remember is the elephant screaming…monkey jumping around…next thing I remember the elephant had completely snapped the tree off and the monkey was at the top holding on for dear life. I’m just glad the master didn’t get hit in all the commotion. I guess he was standing right there. Why was he smiling at me? Too bad I didn’t get to talk to the elephant, I bet I could have prevented the whole thing.


I’m an elephant, and in retrospect, that filthy monkey is soooo lucky that guy was standing there between us after I knocked that tree over. I should have smashed them both. At least I got some bananas.

I’m a monkey…remember that guy from before? He gave me a banana. I guess he had had his cause he gave the rest of them to the elephant. Huh, he seems a nice a guy. Wait! ?? How did he climb the tree? Where’s that butterfly?

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