Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lovely video _ Beautiful character

mewithoutYou-Paper Hanger
(click little play button)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Have mercy on us

Innocence is the difference between a man and a boy
Every man is guilty
Boyhood dreams of a master-piece
Trampled and filthy

There is respect, though
For a well-worn tool
The dull and broken ones, though
Have been abused by a fool
I heard of a master painter
Whose talent was such
He painted a master-piece
With a broken brush
But I doubt, sometimes-I still doubt

Street gutters make poor drinking fountains
But an even poorer bed
I’ve drank and slept in the palace
This concrete hurts my head

Reality is guilty
Now I’m a man
(forgive us, please forgive us…)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sounds Familyre

ok, for those of you who appreciate asthmatic kitty and the sounds familyre...finally....a picture worthy of the Danielson Legacy! I'm sure it's been there for awhile but I just found it. It makes a brilliant wallpaper (you can almost see those fruits shaking back and forth as Brother freaks out). For anyone who didn't understand a word I just said, attending a Danielson concert is awesome if you're interested (enigmas demand only those who already understand, in part). Or try the mp3 sampler at above websites. Uh...and there's a new Danielson record, Ships, out soooooon (chords and notes and beats and repeating and stops and starts and singing words).

Monday, March 06, 2006

Respectable Lyrics

Just found this song by Fear Before the March of Flames to be admirable:

"The Long Road To The Middle"

Is there nothing sacred anymore?

Raise your head and say:

Before they put you in a casket,
So you know that you were worth it.
Before they put you in a casket,
So you know that you were worth it.

Try keeping something to yourself for a change.
Said the boy who cried wolf,
"So you don't end up like me."
Sex, drugs, and rock & roll never looked so good.
Said the best fifteen minutes of your life,
To the future nine to five,
Forty-something family man.

Raise your head and say:

Raise your head and say:

How much do we lose? How much is gained?
How much do we lose? How much is gained?

How much do we lose? How much is gained?
How much do we lose? How much is gained?

Try keeping some things to yourself for a change.
Try keeping some things to yourself for a change.
How did you spend your fifteen minutes?
Fifteen minutes.